Leading brands out of the recession
A year on from our research on “Recession-Proof Branding”, we think its now time to look further ahead at how to lead brands out of the recession. Which of the changes to marketing that have happened are short-term fixes? And which will be long-term changes to the way we build brands?
As part of our research we have an 1 minute online survey that you can participate in by clicking here. We’ll send an avant-premiere of the results to all those completing the survey.
Inspiration for this research came from Chris Middleton, of Futures Coaching, who I met last year speaking at a CEO Branding Conference in Taiwan. Chris rightly pointed out that we need to be thinking about “what comes next?” now, when we’re in the shit.
Just think. How long do we think the recession will last? 12 months, or 18 months perhaps? And how long does it take to get a new product or service from ideas stage to market. Yup. 12-18 months, if you’re fast. Much longer if you work in a complex service or tech business.
So, please do take a minute to do the survey; it only has 4 questions.
This is the last time we will be posting about recession-proof branding, so here is a selection of the posts on this topic from the last 12 months:
– Research findings one: fixing fundamentals
– Research findings two: more bang for your buck
– RPB at P&G
– Recession-proofing the brand called you
– Innovate your way out, like Brawn F1
– RPB paper in French