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I’ve been exploring ways to stay connected and have fun during this time of anti-social distancing. And in this off-piste post I share a few of them…

1. Run a virtual quiz night, with friends or colleagues

Drop me an email if you’d like the quiz kit I used last Sat night with 4 families (below) inc: i. a PPT with the quiz to share via Zoom, ii. answer sheet to email to teams, iii. Excel sheet set up to score after each round! 

2. iPad art using the Paper app

This is a beautifully designed app, and it had a portrait painting tip to upload a photo, paint over it and then delete the photo. Clever!

3. Tik Tok family videos

A great way to stay connected and have fun with your kids, like The Taylor Family’s latest creation here.

Takes up a good hour or so to do one, as the parents take so long to get the hang of the dance moves!

Hope these suggestions help brandgym blog readers keep having fun and stay connected during this crazy times!