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The quote in the title is from ad legend David Ogilvy. I was prompted to dig it out by Richard’s post on ensuring the strategy shouts out loud in your communication.

I found the quote from Ogilvy here, along with a brilliant story about an award scheme he launched –   for sales results. The David Ogilvy Award of $10,000 in cash was for the agency campaign which did most to improve a
client’s sales, and came with this priceless piece of advice:

“If you, my fellow copywriters or art directors,
want to win the award, devote your genius to making the cash
register ring.

I love that: devote your genius to making the cash register ring.

He was also a harsh critic of "flashy techniques with no
evident payoff in sales". This creation of interesting or amusing advertising that is "message-free" is what I call "sponsored entertainment".

Where are the David Ogilvies of today….? Are there any out there?