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Another bit of painfully sharp insight into marketing madness captured in a cartoon from Brandcamp’s Tom Fishburne.

A battle over how big the logo should be is of course a complete dead-end street. Its a failure to take on the real challenge of creating a truly branded campaign. Ones like these that are recognisable even in the absence of any logo at all:

O2’s blue bubbles:
I’ve never really figured out what O2 stands for as a brand. But what it has done is stand out, and this is key in an over-crowded market where people are not that involved. Whether in press, posters or on TV, everything is instantly recognisable.

The pure white light of Apple
Visually stunning. And whether its those white earphones, the drop-dead gorgeous iMac of the nifty navigation of iTunes you know its Apple from a mile away.Picture_1

Absolutely Absolut:
1400 executions and still going strong. One to remember what the agency say your campaign is "worn out". There’s a whole site dedicated to the campaign here.

Levi’s when they were hot:
The late 80’s and early 90’s campaigns (Launderette, Swimmer) that used retro music and 50’s Americana to take the high-ground in the jeans market.