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Warning. Blatant book plug. Feel free to click on.

Jonathan Salem Baskin (what a name that is eh?) over at Dim Bulb has written a jolly nice review of the WTS? book. He says:

""Where’s the Sausage?" is a fun and fast read. The idea to help
people explore a serious business issue through a fictional story is
absolutely brilliant, and it works.  I would have enjoyed more sex,
violence, and intrigue, but I can always wait for
it in the movie version."

The last point is an interesting one. My dream is to make a 60 minute training video of the book. Think this could be great for university and business school students. Please leave a comment or drop me an email If you have contacts with video production companies, especially ones like Video Arts specialised in training videos. 

You can read all of Jonathan’s review here.